Statewide SUD System Support

Request for Applications SUPP #1013
Up to $20 million in funding through the Federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant is being made available to support program costs incurred since March 15, 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) providers sustained significant fiscal stresses during and due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To assist providers with fiscal recovery and continued safe service provision of SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery services, OASAS intends to make funds available to support programmatic stability to resume, sustain, and/or improve existing SUD program services.


OASAS will make available up to $20 million of supplemental Federal Substance Abuse

Prevention and Treatment Block Grant funds awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental

Health Services Administration to support reasonable, necessary, and allowable SUD

program costs incurred after March 15, 2021, that were not previously and will not otherwise

be reimbursed by other funding or programs, including State Aid and other grants. Funds are

available through March 14, 2023. Any extension of availability of the funds is contingent

upon Federal extension of the grant period.


Eligible Applicants

Voluntary agencies or local governmental units (LGU) which provide direct care SUD treatment, prevention, and/or recovery services that (1) are OASAS-Certified and/or funded by OASAS State Aid as of the date of award; (2) were operational prior to January 31, 2020; (3) are pre-qualified in the Grants Gateway; and (4) have completed a certified Vendor Responsibility questionnaire are eligible to receive funds.

Providers applying for Primary Prevention funds must be an OASAS State Aid funded provider of primary prevention services under program code 5520


Applications Deadline

10/11/2022 5:00 PM EST

Anticipated Notification of Award:  Continuous until funds are exhausted.


Application and Supporting Documents

Please send all inquiries to:

[email protected] Bureau of Contracts & Procurements NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports Subject: OASAS Project No. SUPP1013, “Provider Name”